Thursday, February 20, 2014


I have sat in the room. The empty room.

The room without doors.

I need a door. There are no doors.

The door I came from is gone. The door I need does not exist.

The door does not exist.

The door will not exist.

The door can not exist.

I need to go to the next floor.

I need to go up the stairs.

I need to get to the top.

The door must exist.

I need to get to the top.

The words said so. My words tell you so.

Perhaps my words will bring the door.

I take the brush. Black brush. Black brush with black paint.

Always black paint.

I take the brush to the wall. I write.

I write the word door.

The words are gone. There are no words.

The words will not bring the door.

White walls.

Walls will not hold door.

I look down. Down at the screen.

It has the words.

The screen can hold the words.

I take my brush. I take my brush to the back of the screen.

It holds the paint.

The screen will hold my paint. The walls will not.

The walls will not.

The walls will not.

I reach out. I touch the wall with my hand.

The walls are not hot.

The walls are not cold.

I can not feel the walls.

I can not feel the walls.

The walls do not exist. The walls will not hold the paint.

The screen will hold the paint.

The screen exists.

The walls will not hold the paint. The walls will not hold the door.

The walls do not exist.

I sit. I sit in the empty room.

The walls do not exist. The floor does not exist. The ceiling does not exist.

The room does not exist.

The room does not exist.

I think.

The room does not exist.

I sit. I think.

The room does not exist.

I think. I sit. I think.

I exist.

I am in the room. I exist.

I am Ptah. I am not. I am Ptah.

In this place I am Ptah.

I am Ptah. I am in the room.

The room does not exist. I exist.

I take the brush. The black brush. I take the brush to me.

Up my arms. Down my legs. Around my feet. Between my fingers.

I exist. I can hold the paint. I can be the door.

The door. The door I need. I am the door I need.

I am Ptah. I am the door. I am the door to the next floor.

I finish. There is paint on me. I hold it.

Paint surrounds me. I walk to the wall. I am the door.

I walk through the wall. I walk through the door.

The door that I am.

There are stairs. I walk up the stairs.

I have passed the first floor.

I will make it to the top.

I am Ptah and I will make it to the top.

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